

Slinky supports the new context API introduced in React 16.3.

Creating a Context Object

To start using the new context API, first create a context object, which contains the components needed to provide and consume context. The createContext method in Slinky takes a type parameter so that the context value is statically typed.

val myContext = React.createContext[String]("default-context-value")

Providing Context

Now that you have a context object, you can use the Provider component to provide context in a React tree.

  myContext.Provider(value = "hello!")(

By using the Provider component, all elements beneath it will now have access to the hello! value provided.

Consuming Context

To consume context, use the Consumer component and pass in a function that takes the context value and returns a React element.

myContext.Consumer { value =>
  h1(s"the context value is $value")